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Hocking Hills State Park Cantwell Cliffs Poster
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Hocking Hills State Park Cantwell Cliffs Poster

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Located in the far northern reaches of Hocking Hills, the picturesque cliffs of Cantwell Cliffs are thought to be one of the most magnificent in the entire state park. The narrow box canyon of Cantwell Cliffs is known for its rugged trail system traveling through deep valleys, high cliffs, and massive rock shelters sporting wet weather waterfalls. The rugged 2 mile trail system here is split into a Gorge Trail that travels down through the deep ravine of Bucks Run and a Rim Trail that skirts the outer edge of this deep box canyon. With panoramic vistas of the surrounding area and chances to explore large cave overhangs while tackling some challenging terrain, most people decide to hike the entire trail system in one giant loop. Due to its isolated location, this is one of the least visited and therefore least crowded of the recreation areas within Hocking Hills State Park.


Printed on premium fine art paper.

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