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Conkles Hollow State Nature Preserve Horse Head Grotto Poster
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Conkles Hollow State Nature Preserve Horse Head Grotto Poster

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Conkles Hollow State Nature Preserves picturesque 87 acres is one of the hidden gems within Hocking County, Ohio. Dedicated as a state nature preserve in 1977, it contains the popular Gorge Trail which traverses a half mile through a richly diverse valley that ends in a narrow box canyon surrounded by towering cliffs, cave overhangs, and several waterfalls. The Rim Trail is a challenging 2.5 mile loop which winds along the highest cliffs in the area, past many scenic overlooks to the Upper Falls of Conkles Creek. Situated a short distance from many of the trails within Hocking Hills State Park, this is a popular stop on most trip itineraries to the area. 

Printed on premium fine art paper.

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