The drive from Rocky Mountains NP to the Tetons is 8 hours. Just a short 512 miles to be exact. The journey begins with a descent from high elevation craggy rock forests towards an endless expanse of short grass prairies. Kentucky has nothing on the rolling hills of Wyoming. When i say they go on forever, i truly mean it. It was like a scene of Rohan from The Lord of the Rings. The vastness alone leaves you wondering of what else could possibly be out there. Watching a hundred car train passing in the distance was akin to seeing a snake slither about. The clear and sunny skies felt like they were getting higher with each passing mile.

We passed through sleepy towns with names like Tie Siding, Elk Mountain, and Red desert. The largest by far was Laramie. Home to the University of Wyoming and being the only urban center within 2oo miles we figured it would be our last chance for anything that felt familiar. Our lunch at the Crowbar & Grill was not only filling, but delicious. Little did we know it would be the last time we would eat anything that resembled real food for the next 10 hours. One hundred and forty miles northwest near the city of Muddy Gap stands the scenic Split Rock.

Split Rock was used as a navigational tool for emigrants on the Oregon, California, and Mormon Trails from as far back as the eighteen hundreds. At the town of Rock Springs we veered north onto US 191 headed straight through the Bridger-Teton National Forest. This is the entrance to the jewel of the west, Jackson, WY. I know what most people are thinking… Jackson's an overdeveloped tourist trap full of a bunch of moneybags rich people ruining everything. Well you would be half right.

The same uber wealthy residents in the area are some of the very people pouring money into conservation efforts in the region. Yes it is developed and you know what, its gorgeous! There is value in contrast. What sounds better than getting to take a hot shower and slipping into something comfortable to go have a fine meal with a bottle of wine after a day spent trekking in the mountains?! From Jackson one enters the Tetons through Moose Junction. The location has easy access to the ariel tramway carrying passengers to Teton Village.

Its the best way to get unbelievable views of the mountain range and surrounding lakes. In the center of the park is the Jenny Lake area with ferry boats to carry you over the lake to Inspiration Point and The Grand Teton itself. In the north of the park sits Colter Bay. If you only have 5 minutes to spend in the whole park this needs to be it.
Walking onto the bay you’re confronted by the entire Teton Range itself. Its as if they stand guard over the gorgeous landscape. After picking up your jaw from the deck and loading up your camera with pictures go ahead and grab some pizza at Leeks Marina.
Along the road we pulled over to watch a grizzly bear rut around for some berries. Seriously a grizzly bear not more than 10 feet away! Spending a few days could maybe do this place justice, but all we had was a few hours. In the words of the Terminator, “I’ll Be Back”.
Walking onto the bay you’re confronted by the entire Teton Range itself. Its as if they stand guard over the gorgeous landscape. After picking up your jaw from the deck and loading up your camera with pictures go ahead and grab some pizza at Leeks Marina.